Vision & MISSION

We exist to make a kingdom impact for Jesus Christ in the world through the power of the Gospel, for the glory of God. But what exactly does that mean? Find out here.

Staff & Leadership

Click here to meet our incredible team of pastors, elders, deacons, and ministry and administrative support staff.


Is Faith part of a denomination? What does “Presbyterian” mean? How did Faith start? That and more in our FAQ section.



We exist to make a kingdom impact for Jesus Christ in the world through the power of the Gospel, for the glory of God.

Matt. 6:33; 1 Cor. 10:31; Rom. 14:17; Col. 1:13; Heb. 12:28


opening up our church and lives to all people

We will strive to welcome well so that our guests and members can be exposed to the life-changing power of the Gospel. We will equip our members to welcome outsiders into their lives. Our facilities will assist our welcome. Rom. 15:1-7; Phil. 2:4-11; 2 Cor. 5:15; John 13:34; Luke 24:33-35


fulfilling the highest purpose for which we were created

We will strive to be a church that worships the triune God in spirit and truth. Our worship services will aim to proclaim truth, awaken hearts, and empower obedience by the Gospel seven days a week. John 4:21-26; Luke 24:27-32; Acts 2:41-42; Rom. 12:1-2


living out the church’s calling to make disciples of Jesus Christ

We will strive to create an environment in which all may grow incrementally in their walk with the Lord. This includes encouraging widespread participation in Gospel community groups, training Christians for the work of ministry, and developing fully mature disciples of Jesus Christ. The end goal of a mature Christian walk is to love God and our neighbor as ourselves. Matt. 28:18-20; Col. 1:28-29; 1 Thess. 2:12; 1 Peter 1:22-23; 1 John 3:16-18


growing the church through pioneering outreach and sending mature followers across the globe to reach the world for Christ

We will strive to consistently engage in local evangelism and global missions. Finally, the Ministry Associates Program (MAP) will train the next generation of Gospel workers with a view to saturating the church with equipped servants of Christ. Acts 1:8-11; John 15:16; 2 Tim. 2:1-2; Eph. 4:11-16

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Nathan Parker, Senior pastor

Nathan T. Parker, Ph.D., M.Div., moved to Watkinsville in November 2019 to be the Senior Pastor of Faith. Prior to coming to Faith, he was the Senior Pastor of Pinelands Presbyterian Church in Miami, FL for 6 years and a youth minister in Atlanta for 12 years. After completing a business degree (Georgia State University) and Masters of Divinity degree (Reformed Theological Seminary) he and his wife moved to England for three years where he was awarded a PhD (Durham University). His thesis focused on the Evangelistic methods of the Puritan John Flavel. Nathan is married to Nicole, and they have three children: Michael ("Mikey"), McEwan ("Mac"), and Marigold.


Ministry and Administrative Staff

stephanie atkinson

Student and Children’s Ministry Coordinator | stephaniea@faithpcachurch.org


Ministry Associate | austind@faithpcachurch.org

Julia Dobish

Director of Mother’s Morning Out | mmo@faithpcachurch.org

David Fish

Director of Ministry Development | Facilities Manager | davidf@faithpcachurch.org


Administrative Assistant | annaj@faithpcachurch.org

Amanda Painter

Financial Secretary | amandap@faithpcachurch.org

Graham stolte

Director of Family, Youth, and Children’s Ministries | graham.stolte@faithpcachurch.org

Paul whaley

Worship Leader | paulw@faithpcachurch.org



Stan Edwards, Bradford Gilliam, Boyce Hunt, Ed Lane, Brandon Nelms, Nathan Parker, Fritz Schaefer

Current deacons

Jeremy Anthony, Jay Hankins, Alec Hicks, Mac Jones, Jared Kimmel, Chris Milner, Matt Wyatt

Women’s safety board

The Safety Board serves to support those in crisis and assist the leadership of the church in protecting women and children.

Stephanie Atkinson, Betsy Wicklein

Elder Emeritus

Larry Atkins, Jerry Norris

Deacon Emeritus

Bill Pharr

Women’s ministry

Women’s Ministry team

Lauren DuBois, Katie Lane, Madeline Mitchell, Daunt Peecher | women@faithpcachurch.org

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Is Faith part of a denomination?

Faith is a member of the Presbyterian Church in America [PCA]. This denomination provides our church with structure, accountability and encouragement by being connected to a larger organization of churches. The PCA is a reformed denomination that was formed in 1973.

What does “Presbyterian” mean?

Presbyterian means “elder-led”. While there is a wide spectrum of what Presbyterian churches believe and practice, being Presbyterian means that our church and denomination are led by elders. See “What is the leadership structure of Faith?” below for a more detailed explanation.

What does “Reformed” mean?

Being reformed means that we have particular beliefs about who God is and what he is doing in the world. For a more detailed description of what those beliefs are, our official statement of faith is the Westminster Confession of Faith [with its Shorter Catechism and Larger Catechism]. The New City Catechism is also a helpful statement of belief that includes more modern language and video explanations from current pastors and theologians. 

What is the leadership structure of Faith?

The members of Faith nominate qualified men [see 1 Timothy 3:1-12] for the office of elder and deacon every spring. Those who are interested are trained and examined over the next few months and those who are ready are voted on by the congregation every November.

Elders are called to lead and shepherd the church. They are responsible for the vision of the church and to care for its people. Our elected elders serve alongside the pastors of Faith on this team.

Deacons are called to serve the poor and help oversee areas of the church. The deacons at Faith oversee the finances of the church, take care of the facilities and distribute assistance to the needy in our church and our community.   

what is the role of baptism?

We believe the Bible teaches that baptism is a covenant sign for believers and their children. We do not think that baptism saves someone but it signifies them as a part of the community of the church, receiving all of the benefits of that community. As an infant, parents bring their child to be baptized in obedience to God, trusting that the child will one day respond to God's promises in faith. As an older child or adult, baptism is for believers who have not previously been baptized but with the same meaning: being brought into the covenant community of the church.

Want to know more? Contact one of our pastors to ask a question, watch this video from Perimeter Church for a brief but more in depth explanation of infant baptism, or check out this comprehensive FAQ on baptism from Atlanta Westside Presbyterian Church. Finally, you may listen to this audio recorded recently by Pastor Nathan

How did Faith start?

Faith began as a home Bible study in October 1977. By January 1978 our church had increased in number and began Sunday services in the lounge of the Howard Johnson's on the Atlanta Highway. In 1981 the congregation moved to a local Seventh Day Adventist church building, where they met for over five years. From 1986 to 1988, Faith met in the auditorium at Athens Academy, a nearby private school.

These prior locations: a living room, a lodge, a school, and someone else's church, were formative times for our congregation, reminders that the church, as defined in the Bible, is not a building, but the people of God.

During the time at Athens Academy, our congregation purchased 8.25 acres of land on Mars Hill Road. Construction on our church building began in October 1987, and the first service was held in March 1988. Our church building has seen some changes in the time we've met here from sanctuary enlargements to a new educational wing which increased space for our Students, Sunday School, Library, and Mother's Morning Out program.

By God's guidance, we look expectantly for Him to provide the vision and the ability to meet the changing needs of our congregation and community with the unchanging promises of our Lord.

Why do we collect money during the service?

We believe that giving is an act of worship where we remind ourselves that everything we have is a good gift from our heavenly Father. It is an opportunity for Christians to let go of their finances [which are such a common idol in our culture] and to participate in what God is doing in our church and the world. If you are visiting with us at Faith, please don’t feel any compulsion to give- we’re just glad you’re here!

How do I stay informed?

You can sign up to receive our weekly email “Faith Weekly” by emailing the main office at mainoffice@faithpcachurch.org. You can also stay up to date with us by following us on social media.

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