“God’s mission is to grow and expand his kingdom throughout the world, which means in your hometown and around the world. This is not a physical kingdom, but a spiritual one that is reclaiming souls from the gates of hell. Missions is God’s victory march towards his eternal triumph, and the battle is being waged wherever God has placed his followers.”
Reaching the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ is the responsibility of every Christian. Yet so many of us become consumed with our own life and allow the need for evangelism (locally and globally) to fade out of our scope of priorities.
Our church believes in missions and we make it a priority to make a difference. Over the last decade, we have committed to and given an estimated $1,000,000 in the support and promotion of missions in our own community and around the world. We support dozens of individual missionary families and works in Athens/Oconee, the United States, Asia, Latin America, and Africa. And each year, we refresh our perspective for reaching the world with the gospel at our annual Missions Conference. We hope to educate, equip and inspire our congregation to embrace their role in the completion of the Great Commission: to go as missionaries, to pray for missions, and/or to give to missions.
PRAY: Commit to praying fervently and regularly for
Your friends and family who need to hear the gospel.
Our congregation and those reached through programs like Mother’s Morning Out, Mercy Ministry, or VBS.
The short-term summer missions trips.
Our local ministry partners.
Our full-time missionaries around the world.
Tithe to the general fund to support missions and ministry partners in our budget.
Donate items needed for VBS.
Give a one-time special offering to support Faith Summer Missions.
Purchase peanut butter or dry milk for ACTS.
Become a monthly financial supporter for a full-time missionary.
Tell that friend you’ve been praying for about the good news of the gospel.
Serve at Faith with the host team, children’s and student ministry, or VBS.
Join one of our short-term trips.
Volunteer with one of our local ministry partners.
Be sent as a full-time missionary.
our church
From working with kids, to music, hospitality, graphic design and more- there are plenty of opportunities for you to discover the gifts God has given you and use them for the good of His church here at Faith. Contact Anna to learn how you can get started.
my own community
The Outreach Grant Fund is in place to encourage members of Faith to take the love of Christ into their communities. Our hope is that the moneys will be used either for one time events or to help others with start up funds until funding is established on own.
our city
We believe that God calls us as the church to work for the good of our city. With that goal, Faith partners with a number of community organizations, or “Ministry Partners” as we call them.
our world
God is at work not only in our area, but also around the world. Faith sends teams on short-term mission trips every year, and also has the privilege of partnering with missionaries across the globe, or “Missions Partners” as we call them.
“And work for the peace and prosperity of the city where I sent you...Pray to the LORD for it, for its welfare will determine your welfare.”
We believe that God calls us as the church to work for the good of our city. With that goal, Faith partners with a number of community organizations, including:
Area Churches Together Serving (ACTS): Oconee County clothing and food bank (Click here to learn more about our ACTS food drives and work days)
Athens Pregnancy Center: Crisis pregnancy center and counseling
Chosen for Life: Foster care and adoption services
Covenant College: College of the Presbyterian Church of America
Downtown Academy: Inner-city Christian school in downtown Athens
Mercy Health Center: Christian Health Resource Center for the uninsured
Missionary Care Ministry: Snows Mill Guesthouse for missionaries
Mother's Morning Out: Tuesday/Thursday childcare at Faith Presbyterian
Oconee County Public Schools: Student mentoring and serving families in need
Westminster Christian Academy: Private Christian school in Watkinsville
We support these great partners through volunteering and awareness, as well as financially.
If you are an organization interested in partnering with Faith or want to learn more about our Outreach Team and their approach to community outreach, please click here.
“And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere— in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
God is at work not only here in the Athens/Oconee area, but also around the world. Faith sends teams on short-term mission trips every year, and also has the privilege of partnering with the following missionaries across the globe:
Ben & Anna Coppedge: Reformed University Fellowship, University of Georgia (USA)
Dan & Nora Emig: Global Hope Network International
David & Lisa Fish: Global Outreach, Good Shepherd’s Fold (Uganda)
Gabriel & Norma Glory: Reformed Evangelistic Fellowship, Shalom Ministries (Mexico)
Rachel Griffin: Wycliffe Bible Translators (Southeast Asia)
Ken & Betty Hewett: Worldwide Discipleship Association, Headquarters (USA)
Flynt & Madison Lovett: Cru (Japan)
Doug & Reagan Luebe: The Navigators, UGA (USA)
George & Martha Mixon: World Harvest Mission (Kenya)
Brian & Megan Moore: Mission to the World, Gospel Haus (Germany)
Jim & Ginger Moore: JAARS, Headquarters (USA)
One by One: Nicaraguan mission
Jeff & Caroline Thompson: Reformed University Fellowship International, University of Georgia (USA)
Luke & Leanne Turk: Reformed Evangelistic Fellowship (Central African Republic)
Sarah Weinrich: Reformed Evangelistic Fellowship, Blas Pascal (Mexico)
Ed & Sandy Zogg: Christian International Foundation, Inc. (Dominican Republic)
Emily: Unlisted for safety