Read on to find out general information, ministry philosophy, and contact info for Adult, Student, and Children’s Ministries. If you would like to see a list of specific events and opportunities, please visit the Recurring Events page.
Whether married or single, college student or grandparent, children or no children, our hope is that you would meet Jesus and that you would grow in your relationship with Him.
The purpose of Faith Student Ministry is to lead middle and high school students into a growing faith in Jesus. We want them to experience His grace and live in response to it with a love for God and others.
Whether married or single, college student or grandparent, children or no children, our hope is that you would meet Jesus and that you would grow in your relationship with Him. We realize this is a process that people enter into from many different places and at different speeds. But we also believe that the best place to do this, whether you are investigating who Jesus is or you have been a Christian a long time, is in community. We encourage people to get to know Jesus by coming on Sunday mornings, participating in a Gospel Community Group and finding a place to serve.
Faith also offers Men and Women’s Ministries and a College Ministry:
Men’s Ministry focuses on teaching and discipleship by means such as Sunday School, conferences, service opportunities, fellowship dinners, and Bible study groups. For more information, contact Nathan Parker.
Women’s Ministry develops opportunities for women to grow in their knowledge and love of Christ and to connect with and bless others through education (Bible Studies, Sunday School, conferences), discipleship (one on one or small group), and service opportunities (meal ministry, baby and bridal showers, and more). For more information, contact the Women’s Ministry Team at women@faithpcachurch.org.
College Ministry desires to brings students into God’s family of believers for support, friendship, mentoring, and inspiration for the journey he has in front of you. We offer an Adopt-A-Student program to connect you with a family, weekly lunches, and more. Contact Pastor Nathan at nathanp@faithpcachurch.org for more information.
The purpose of Faith Student Ministry is to lead middle and high school students into a growing faith in Jesus. We want them to experience His grace and live in response to it with a love for God and others. We believe there are three key things to not only finding and growing in their faith but sticking with their faith once they graduate: worship, community and mission.
High School Large Group meets on Sunday nights from 6PM - 8PM for a lesson, snacks, and a chance to hang out. We go out to eat at a local restaurant on the 1st Sunday of every month.
Middle School Large Group meets on Wednesday nights from 6PM - 8PM for fun, snacks, and time talking about the Bible and our lives in small groups. We have pizza the 1st Wednesday of every month.
Student Ministry also offers plenty of opportunities for additional fun, activities, and learning opportunities throughout the year with conferences, retreats, and special events.
For more info, or if you are interested in serving with student ministry, email Stephanie.
The Grove, our ministry to kids at Faith, exists to partner with parents in leading kids to a growing relationship with Jesus. We know that parenting is hard. And it's even harder on your own. That is why we want to help parents rely on the grace of God, find encouragement and wisdom from each other, and work together to apply the gospel to our parenting. We also want to provide opportunities throughout the year for you and your kids to invite their friends so that more and more families might meet Jesus and find community.
In addition to The Grove’s offerings on Sunday morning with nursery, Sunday School, and Children’s Church, a number of times a year we hosts events that you can enjoy with your kids and invite neighbors, friends and family to come as well. These include the Fall Festival every October, Easter Celebration Egg Hunt/ Breakfast and Vacation Bible School every June.
For more info, or if you are interested in serving in The Grove, email Stephanie Atkinson.