4-2-22 This Week in Faith
/The Grove in April
In Sunday school, we’re talking about the 10 Commandments, the tabernacle, and the Israelites worshipping the golden calf. [Exodus].
Scripture Memory Matthew 5:8
Student Ministry in April
No High School THIS Sunday [Spring Break]. We’ll be back on the 10th studying Luke. We’ll also go out to dinner after.
No Middle School THIS Wednesday [Spring Break]. We’ll be back on the 13th studying Luke.
Scripture Memory for the next lesson: Luke 15:7
Middle School Scavenger Hunt on April 29.
Parents in April
Easter Breakfast and Egg Hunt on April 17. The fun will start at 9:30 and the egg hunt [5th grade and under] will begin around 10:00. This is not only a great morning for your family but a chance to invite another family who doesn’t usually go to church to join us for activities and worship.
Parent Book Club Discussion on Wednesday, April 20 from 6-7:30. If you’ve been reading Habits of the Household with us, or want to hear what families have been learning from it, join us!
Faith Explored on April 30. If you are interested in knowing more about Faith, or if you have students that are interested in joining the church, this class is a great next step.
Check out the Easter resources on the Welcome Desk outside The Grove. There are recommendations for books to read to and with your kids, family devotionals, and books for your older kids to read on their own.
Your Name is Forgiven
Steve Brown was one of my favorite seminary professors and one of the people that has helped me understand the truth and beauty of the gospel the most. This article is a great reminder of the things that are true of us and of the way God sees us because of Jesus. It’s not based on what we do and his joy in us never changes, even when we really blow it. Which is really important to remember as we parent because there are often days where we see the impact of our mistakes clearly and it seems like we can never do enough. I hope this article reminds you of the good news that faith in Jesus brings and I hope it helps you rest in that good news a little more fully this week.
Click here to read the article by Steve Brown.
3 Cultural Stories Shared by Gen Z and Gen Alpha Youth.
I’m taking a class right now with some student pastors and student ministry leaders from around the country. It’s been helpful to learn from other people and their insights from working with students. One of the teachers fro our class wrote this article based on one of the first lessons we did. In the article, the explains some of the distinctive of this generation of teenagers but she also talks about why this is important. We need to understand the world our teenagers and their friends are living in because its very different from the one we experienced as teenagers. There are different struggles, different, challenges, different assumptions than what we faced. So this requires listening and learning from our students about their world, and then helping them understand how the truth and grace of Jesus connects to their world and gives understanding to their deepest questions.
Click here to read the article by Kendall Conner.
How Concerned are Christian Parents about their Kids’ Faith Formation
“Christian parents who hope for a healthy, enduring spiritual foundation for their children need the support of a church that recognizes their concerns and addresses them in community.” The odds are that if you are reading this blog, you see yourself in the findings of this research that says Christian parents are concerned about the spiritual formation of their kids. Often, the challenge is knowing what to do about it. Encouraging research shows that parents are the number one influence on the likelihood of their kids holding onto their faith for a lifetime. So, the faith you practice in front of your kids, and the faith you engage with your kids about, has a real impact on their spiritual lives. But we also need help. This is why practicing our faith in the community of the church and encouraging each other along the way is vital for parents. Our hope is that things like Sunday school, the book club discussions, and other parent things we do will help you feel more prepared to do the hard work of discipling your kids by pointing them to Jesus. Please let me know if there are other ways we can help or if there are things you want to talk about to help you lead your families well.