“Christianity means community through Jesus Christ and in Jesus Christ. No Christian community is more or less than this.”
Our two most popular programs are Mother’s Morning Out and English as a Second Language (ESL), so these ministries have their own pages. For all other recurring events, check out the information below!
Click here for a list of events focused on drawing people together for social activities and community.
Click here for a list of events focused on learning more about Jesus and growing in your faith.
Lunch with Nathan
Pastor Nathan hosts a brown bag lunch every Wednesday from 12PM - 1PM in the church library. Just drop in!
Newcomer’s Welcome Lunch
Join us at the Newcomers’ Welcome Lunch, held monthly after the late service at Nathan and Nicole Parker’s home. View the schedule here, and grab a postcard from the Welcome Center or email the office for directions and more information.
college Lunch
Hey, college students! Join us monthly after the late service at Nathan and Nicole Parker’s home for lunch. View the schedule here, and grab a postcard from the Welcome Center or email the office for directions and more information.
Adopt-A-Student is another way that we serve the college community. This is an opportunity for college students to be matched with a family that they can connect with and get to know on a deeper level. Sign up to be an adoptee and find a home away from home. Contact Nathan for more information.
Fun Fridays occur once per month from 9AM - 1PM during the school year for children preschool age and younger. An early bird option is available from 8 AM - 9 AM for an additional $5/child. Fun Friday provides a morning of themed fun in a class with other kids their age and a morning away for mom. The cost is $25 for one child, $45 for a family of 2, and $60 for a family of 3 or more, and registration closes at noon on the Thursday before Fun Friday. For more information, please contact Julie Bowker or view the schedule here.
Playgroup for moms and kids meets seasonally on Friday mornings on the church playground, weather permitting. This is open to the community and everyone is welcome! Dates and times vary during certain the year, so please contact Katie Lane, Julia Dobish, or Kate Hankins for more information.
Additional interest groups
There are also several groups formed around shared interests that meet on a regular basis:
Book Club
Hopeful Ministries (mental health support group)
CODA (for older adults)
For more information on any of these groups, please contact the Main Office.
Join us for worship services weekly on Sunday morning at 8:30AM and 11AM, with Sunday School starting at 9:45AM for kids at 10AM for adults. Click here for more information.
Gospel Community Groups are an essential part of life at Faith; it’s where church happens outside of Sunday morning. GCs focus on community, encouragement, accountability, and reminding one another of the truth of the gospel. Some groups meet weekly and others meet every other week. Click here for more information.
discipleship GROUPS
Discipleship groups are another avenue for you to connect with others and mature in your faith. Discipleship groups focus on Christian character, godly convictions, and ministry competency. At Faith, we do not rely on one approach but recognize there are various legitimate ways to disciple - we offer Journey groups, one-on-oe groups, and small group models. Contact Nathan to get involved.
middle school large Group Meeting
Middle School Large Group meets weekly on Wednesday nights from 6PM - 8PM. We meet at the church to have fun, eat snacks and spend time talking about the Bible & our lives in small groups. Friends are always welcome! Contact Steven Brooks for more information.
high school large Group Meeting
High School Large Group meets weekly on Sunday nights from 6PM - 8PM. We eat together at a local restaurant on the first Sunday of each month. Friends are always welcome! Contact Steven Brooks for more information.
Women's Bible Studies are available at different times throughout the year on Thursday evenings from 6:30PM - 8PM and on Friday mornings from 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall. For more information, contact Pat Atkins for the Friday study and Lauren DuBois for the Thursday study.
reaching out: evangelism training
A couple times a year, we host a 2-hour evangelism training using the box diagram method. After the first training, there are opportunities on the subsequent two weeks for additional 1-hour coaching sessions. To find out when the next training begins or get more info, email the office.
Christianity Explored
Christianity Explored is a free 5-week course held 2 times throughout the year at Faith. This class gives you the time and space to consider the big questions of life, explore the life of Jesus, and talk over doubts and hard questions. Everyone is welcome - whether you are an experienced church attender, a convinced atheist, or somewhere in between. To find out when the next course begins or get more info, email the office or visit this page.
Faith Explored
The class "Faith Explored" is led by Pastor Nathan and held several times a year on a Saturday from 9AM-2PM. Faith Explored walks you through what we believe and how we function as a church, including the meaning and expectations of membership at Faith. To find out when the next class begins or get more info, email the office.
pray for me
Every student at Faith from Kindergarten through 12th grade is matched with a Pray for Me partner. It is a privilege to pray for our children and it is an opportunity to fulfill our vows to help each other raise the kids of our church in the fear and admonition of the Lord. Prayer is a powerful means by which God works in the hearts of our kids! Contact Steven for more information.
prayer ministry
You can send your prayer requests to and a team of volunteers will pray for you. If you would like to join the prayer team, please contact Mary Burgin.
Pastor Steven’s blog keeps you up to date about what’s going on and also shares gospel-filled, encouraging, and relevant articles and resources.
Click here for more info on serving in our world, our town, and your own neighborhood!
Men of the church of all ages and their sons are invited every 4th Saturday of the month from 9AM - 11AM for a time of food and fellowship followed by outings in small groups to serve members of our church in need. Wear your work clothes and bring simple yard tools. A small donation of $2-3 will be collected for the meal. Contact Boyce Hunt for details or questions.
A group of volunteers from Faith volunteer at ACTS on the third Tuesday of every other month from 9AM - 11AM. ACTS (Area Churches Together Serving) is a collaborative ministry of Oconee County churches working together to provide material and emotional support for those people with emergency needs in our community. ACTS serves individuals referred by participating churches and agencies such as Department of Human Services and ACTION. Join us at 130 E. Thompson Street, Bogart, GA 30622 or contact Sean Hessenthaler for more information.
Throughout the month, Faith specifically collects peanut butter and jelly for ACTS, but any donations are accepted and appreciated.