10-8-20 This Week in Faith

Children’s Church and Nursery- Beginning THIS SUNDAY [during the 8:30 service]

We will be starting to offer Children’s church and baby nursery during the 8:30 service on October 11. Kids will leave after the children’s sermon.

This is a video of how things will work.

And this is a link to sign up to help.

October Memory for Kids

We have been choosing our memory verses from different CD’s produced by Seeds Family Worship. The music is a great way for kids [and parents] to get Scripture stuck in their heads. Getting God’s Word into the heads and hearts of our kids is one of the most valuable things we can do for them. This year, we are using their CD I Believe. They are also producing an online family devotional for these verses that you can find HERE. If you don’t already do family devotions, this might be a great place to start. 

Scripture Memory- Ephesians 2:4-5

New City Catechism- Question 25 and Question 26

Student Ministry Schedule

Right now we are studying the book of Exodus in small groups.

Middle School- Wednesdays from 6:00-7:30PM at Faith [in the Plaza]

High School- Sundays from 6:00-7:30 at Faith [in the Plaza]


Raising Children in the Word: 3 Things to Remember, 5 Things to Do

This is a quick read with some simple ideas in it. And yet they are things I think we often forget. There is so much to think about as a parent, we can lose sight of what’s most important. And we can be so busy trying to do our best as parents, that we forget the power of the gospel to change their lives is greater than our ability to change them. All of the things on this list are important, but I’m glad he included the last one. I know there are times where I am so consumed with correcting my kids and challenging them, that I forget to enjoy them and the reality that I get to be the dad to some pretty great kids. For those on winter break this weekend, I hope you take some time to enjoy life with your kids!

Click here to read the article by Carl Laferton.

How Things Have Changed: Reflections of a Millennial Pastor on a Ten Z World

I think this is a helpful look at some of the differences between 2 generations. Now, there’s always a danger in looking at “generations” because they are typically generalizations that don’t fully capture the specific people you know and care about it. But it can be helpful to understand some of the ways they differ in how they see the world and respond to it. He does a good job of not just pointing out the negatives of a generation but helping to understand the good and the bad better. His point at the end about helping this generation understand the strength and courage the gospel gives us to follow Jesus faithfully, and engage in a difficult and broken world, is interesting. He does a good job of showing some of the ways this idea could be taken out of context, and to the extreme in an unhealthy way. I’m still thinking through this article but I think he’s at least partly correct that courage to follow Jesus and boldness to do what’s right, even when it’s hard, is something that can be hard to find. Now, whether that is a generational thing or a human thing is worth a discussion. I’d be interested to know what you think.

Click here to read the article by Chris Colquitt.

Rooted Recommends: Watch The Social Dilemma with Your Family

This is a documentary on Netflix that I have heard a lot about. We had planned to watch it last weekend and didn’t get to it but we are definitely going to take advantage of the long break from school to watch. It is an in depth look at the power of social media. It includes interviews with some of the people who helped design social media as they talk about they way it is made to capture our attention and influence the way we think. There are some suggestions and some warnings in the article about watching it with your kids to help. It’s important that we don’t watch something like this without hope. But it’s also important we understand how something like social media powerfully impacts our kids [and us] so we can help them navigate it well. There is another article on the documentary HERE. If you watch it, I’d be interested to know your thoughts and even what your middle and high school students have to say about it if they watch it with you.

Click here to read the article from Rooted.