This Week in Faith 2-6-20
/The Single Word That Saved Me- and My Teens- From Jealousy and Comparison
The good news the gospel provides us is that we no longer have to live our lives building an identity and determining our value by how we stack up to those around us. If our faith is in Jesus, we have been made children of God. This status gives us a value and significance that can never be taken away because of our own inadequacies or the judgments of others. I know I forget this often and need regular reminders of it. Our kids need it too. It’s not easy growing up and the pressure to measure up is hitting our kids at earlier ages all the time. Hopefully these words, rooted in Ephesians 2, are what you needed to be reminded of today. My guess is they are what our kids are longing to hear so they can find rest for their souls in Jesus.
Click here to read the article by Heather Holleman.
How Do You Feel About Your 170 Hours of TV So Far This Year?
Pastor Nathan has been encouraging us to read through the entire Bible this year. In our student ministry Sunday school class, we have talking about habits we can develop to cultivate a deeper love for God and others. And maybe some of you have made other commitments for the new year [decade] that you would like to stick to. This is a challenging but encouraging reminder that, for many of us, we have more time than we realize. Hopefully it’s helpful for you and maybe it can spark some good discussion with your kids about how to make the most of the time.
Click here to read the article by Tim Challies.
The Rise of Skywalker and Spiritual Adoption
Warning: This article contains spoilers for the newest Star Wars movie Rise of Skywalker.
I know it’s been awhile since this movie came out but hopefully this means that if you are interested in it, and in seeing it with your kids, you have already gone. I appreciate articles like this because it teaches me how to think about what I watch and listen to through the lens of the gospel. I tell our students all the time, “Don’t turn off your brain when you walk into the theater or turn on Netflix.” Hopefully, if you’ve watched the new Star Wars movie with your kids, this article can help you do this well, and train your kids to do the same.
Click here to read the article by Claude Atcho.
VIDEO: Learning from Suffering
All of our families struggle and suffer through different seasons of life. This times don’t mean that God is idle or far from us. In reality, he is walking with us through those times as he teaches us about himself, ourselves, and how to walk with him more closely. This is a three and half minute video by the pastor of Prince Avenue about some of the things he’s learned through the suffering his family has experienced.