2-11-21 This Week in Faith
/The Mix 2021- This is an incredible weekend for middle and high school students, and their friends as we join churches from across the city to worship Jesus and get to know him better. While the weekend will look pretty different for us this year, it’s still something students won’t want to miss. CLICK HERE for all the info and to sign up. [Also us this link to invite a friend]
Parent Discussion Night: My Tech-Wise Life
This is a parent discussion night on our current lesson series for students that I mentioned back in January. We are going to do this Wednesday, February 24 during middle school. We will start at 6ish in the youth room so if you have a middle schooler, you can drop them off and just stick around [but all parents are invited]. We'll do an overview of what we've been talking about with students and then give you time to talk with each other about your families' experience with technology [the highs and the lows] so we can be a help and encouragement to each other.
February Memory for Kids
We have been choosing our memory verses from different CD’s produced by Seeds Family Worship. The music is a great way for kids [and parents] to get Scripture stuck in their heads. Getting God’s Word into the heads and hearts of our kids is one of the most valuable things we can do for them. This year, we are using their CD I Believe. They are also producing an online family devotional for these verses that you can find HERE. If you don’t already do family devotions, this might be a great place to start.
If you would like an I Believe CD, or a code to download the album for FREE, find me or Stephanie Atkinson this Sunday at church. We’d love to give your family one!
Scripture Memory- John 1:14
New City Catechism- Question 33 and Question 34
Student Ministry Small Groups
Join us for our winter series based on the book, My Tech-Wise Life.
Middle School- Wednesdays from 6:00-7:45 at Faith [in the Plaza]
High School- Sundays from 6:00-8:00 at Faith [in the Plaza]
*With the colder weather, we are going inside for part of each night so be sure to bring a mask.
4 [Good Ways] Your Hard Kid is Changing You
We all face challenging moments with our kids. And each kid can go through seasons when they are more challenging to raise than the others. In the midst of those times, it can be hard to remember that God is sovereign over that season as much as he is any other. And if he has ordained those difficult weeks, months, and even years, then we know that he has a plan to use them for his glory and our good. It doesn’t mean we will like these times, but it does mean that these times have a purpose- to shape us more into the people God longs for us to be. And for him to prove his love and grace to us yet again. If you are in the midst of raising a difficult child right now, I pray this will be an encouragement and help to you as you lean on Jesus for his wisdom and mercy today.
Click here to read the article by Christine Gordon.
Pastor, Your Congregation Plays Video Games [and That’s OK]
I realize this article might be a little awkward to read because it is addressed to a pastor thinking about his congregation. But, if you replace “pastor” with “parent” and “congregation” with “child” I think it makes a helpful defense for your kids to enjoy video games. Now, I talk a lot about the dangers of too much technology but that doesn’t make it wrong for kids to enjoy video games. In the right context, and in moderation, video games can be a great way for kids to relax and even connect with each other. So, on behalf of your kids who love video games, I hope this helps as you think about how video games fit into the healthy culture you are trying to build in your home.
Click here to read the article by Mathew Millsap.
Talking with Kids about Sickness
There is a lot of talk about sickness these days. It can almost feel overwhelming when we begin to list, and even pray for, the people we know who are sick. As we do this with our kids, we have the opportunity to point them to some foundational truths about our God, our world, and ourselves. This article helps us do that in a way that Jesus can be glorified, even through sickness. It’s written by the author of what looks like a great new kids book on the subject.
Click here to read the article by Scott James.
VIDEO: Sissy Goff on Anxiety as a Childhood Epidemic
This video is about 5 years old now, but it seems like childhood anxiety has only increased since then. This 11 minute video is a good introduction to a lot of the great things she has to say on the topic.